1766 Münsterländer Kaffelikör
Für diese Social Media Werbung hab ich 3 kg geröstet Kaffeebohnen gekauft und diese in eine leere Box gefüllt, um ein Meer von Bohnen nachstellen zu können, worin die Flasche f
This short spec ad was shot at home on my dinning table. I blacked out the two windows in the back with black muslim to get a dark backdrop. For lights I had one aputure 300x with
Natalia Lefay – Lucia Artemisia
On new year I was invited to participate Natalia Lefay and Lucia Artemisia at their little shooting. Both had some lovely handmade jewelry made by One step to Neverland, wich fitte
Christmas Elf
As we both couldn't visit our family in Bavaria we decided to meet for a short shooting. Lucia Artemisia brought a great outfit with some lovely handmade jewelry by On step to Neve
Refined Bohemia
Jessi aka. Schmucki ;) is the person behind Refined Bohemia doing all this beautiful handmade jewelry. Together we spent on day in her lovely office the Framehouse. We could captur
Gran Canaria
We spent 2 weeks on this beautiful island for vacation, but as always i couldn't resist bringing some gear with me. We had a lovely Airbnb near Tafira Alta with everything we neede